Celebrating Easter during the COVID-19 Pandemic

We all know things are a little different this year due to COVID-19 (coronavirus), and that means Easter Sunday is going to be different too. But just because it’s different doesn’t mean we can’t make it a fun and special day for your household to celebrate as a family. In this blog, we have a few suggestions on ways you can celebrate Easter this year to make it an unforgettable occasion for all the right reasons for you and the little ones. Check out our ideas below.
Dress to Impress
Have you been rocking the ‘social-distancing’ look recently? Baggy tracksuits, yoga pants, bedhead, and that’s just on the days you’ve changed out of your pyjamas. Don’t worry, you aren’t alone and there’s no judgment here, but we think Easter is a great time to shake up the social-distancing look and get dressed up for the day. If you bought a nice outfit that you haven’t gotten the chance to wear yet, now’s your chance. Don’t waste them, wear them to your living room for your family Easter party.
Decorate Eggs
The little ones have been home from school a while now, and usually would be doing some Easter art with their teacher and classmates at this time, so why not entertain them with decorating some eggs in the lead up to Easter. Get artsy with your eggs, you can dye them, paint them, speckle with rice or even some sugared eggs. There are so many whacky designs you can do. When finished you can even use them as decorations around the house to add some Easter theming to the place and give your little one’s creations the spotlight they deserve.
Have an Easter Egg hunt
The kids will perhaps be upset by the fact that they won’t be able to take part in an Easter egg hunt or Easter party this year with their friends. However, you can bring the fun to your own back garden and have your very own mini Easter egg hunt for your kids there. It’s always good to get a little fresh air and hopefully sunshine, plus you can raise the stakes with a golden egg as a special prize. Whoever finds it can get to pick the family movie to watch later that night.
Set your Table in style
Take out the special plates, polish the good silverware and iron that tablecloth! You might not have a big crowd of family or friends coming around for Easter dinner, but that shouldn’t stop you creating a celebratory tone for the day for your family by setting the dinner table in style. You can create fun Easter themed napkins, colourful arrangements on the table and why not even include some cut flowers from the garden for a fresh and spring-tastic feel.
To top it all off, why not have a centre piece to add to your theming and sense of occasion. One idea is to create an egg-ceptional wreath. Save egg cartons you have built up from all the extra baking you’ve done during this lockdown, and give them a new lease of life as a chic centre piece. Cut the carton into groups of four and paint them with the little ones. Finally, arrange them in a circle in the centre of your dinner table and fill with your decorated eggs, flowers or even chocolates or sweets.
Select a Playlist
Background music is pivotal for any occasion and this should be no different. Create a special Easter Sunday playlist for you and your family to listen to in order to set the tone for the day and create that extra special atmosphere.
Make a special Easter treat
Have you an Aunt, Brother, Cousin or any family member that always cooks or bakes that something special for your family get togethers? Just because there will be no family gathering this Easter, doesn’t mean you can’t have it. Call them up and ask them to share their top-secret recipe with you. There’s nothing like a secret family recipe being shared to make everybody feel that little bit closer together at a time when we are all apart. Alternatively, look up a recipe for something totally new in order to make that extra special Easter treat for you and the family.
Schedule a call with loved ones
It has never been easier to feel closer to your loved ones, even when you are miles apart thanks to video call apps and technology. Why not schedule a video chat with family members to catch up and wish each other Happy Easter. For those that are less technologically savvy, it doesn’t have to be a video call. Just picking up the phone to wish them Happy Easter is just as effective and a great way for us all to stay connected.
Send Easter Cards
We have a lot more extra time indoors at the moment, so why not practice your penmanship and flex your letter-writing muscles to send Easter cards to your friends and family. It’s also a great activity for the little ones. Pull out the arts and crafts supplies and help them make Easter Cards themselves for their grandparents and loved ones. You could even have them make some Easter cards for elderly neighbours or residents of local nursing homes who are unable to receive visitors at this time to brighten up their Easter.